Last update: 20th September 2024
This page is in addition to the privacy policy, and sets out the terms of use. By using the website, you agree to these terms.
This website accepts no liability whatsoever to users of the website. Use of content from this website is at your own risk.
Whilst ever effort is made to ensure the content is free from virus, malware, or other harmful software, this website is hosted on third party servers, and no gaurauntees can be made that the content is safe.
All content on this website is protected by copyright law. The copyright in the content may be directly owned or owned by a third party.
This website is intended for personal use only. You may make a single copy of parts of the website for personal use only, but this must not be published online. Commercial use, or republication of material without consent is prohibited.
Linking to the Website
You may make links to this website, provided that the website to contain the link does not contain offensive or illegal content. Please be aware that pages may be moved or deleted without prior notice, and it is your responsibility to ensure links are kept up-to-date.
Communication Channels
This website may provide communication channels such as email addresses, contact forms, or social media accounts to allow contact with the authors. These channels should be used for general communication/enquiries only, and must not be used for the purposes of spam.
This website is operated by an individual (or individuals), not a business or organisation. Therefore, any communication other than what is permitted above may be in breach of GDPR legislation.