Useful Links

No matter how hard I try, All About Tynedale will not have all of the information that you may need, but the websites below might. Please remember that, although I check websites before posting the link here, I can not be held responsible for the content of external websites.

Adapt North East Local charity which aims to promote an inclusive society, and improve the lives of disabled people. A variety of services on offer, including accessible transport.
Go North East Local bus service provider, who operate the number 10 trunk route and other local services in the Tyne Valley and further afield.
Healthwatch Northumberland Independent organisation that take people’s experiences/views of NHS and social care services back to providers. Also run an information and signposting service with lots of info on their website.
Hexham Courant The Hexham Courant is the local newspaper for the Tynedale area. Their website features local news and information, alongside key national news stories.
Northumberland County Council Local authority for the Tyne Valley.
Recycle Now – Local Recycling Search facility to help find local recycling points in your area.
Scott’s Wesbites The creator of All About Tynedale.